"Jason Bleazard" <dml@bleazard.net> wrote:
: On Tue, August 29, 2006 11:04 am, jon@dakota-truck.net said:
:> :-) In retrospect, it may have been unfair to base the GenII
:> on Ray's Dak. I should have known that it would be impossible to
:> divorce it from the competitive spirit of the actual vehicle. ;-)
: True, but had you based it on my truck, it would have been content to stay in
: Colorado until the end of time.
Heh! Yeah, although I can't say that I would blame it. :-) I
would have liked to have spent some more time out there myself!
-- -Jon-.- Jon Steiger -- jon@dakota-truck.net or jon@jonsteiger.com -. | '96 Kolb Firefly, '96 Suzuki Intruder, Miscellaneous Mopars | `-------------------------------- http://www.jonsteiger.com --'
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