On Oct 28, 2006, at 14:20, Josh wrote:
> Last night I had my truck broken into, again. This is the second time
> since I've lived here. This time however, it was done by a
> fucktard. The
> comedy of errors is almost funny, and IMHO would be if it'd
> happened to
> someone else. The pics speak for themselves, take a look.
> http://omg-stfu.com/temp/DSCN2493.jpg
> http://omg-stfu.com/temp/DSCN2494.jpg
> http://omg-stfu.com/temp/DSCN2495.jpg
> http://omg-stfu.com/temp/DSCN2496.jpg
> http://omg-stfu.com/temp/DSCN2497.jpg
That fucking blows. At least they didn't do to the dash what they
did to the door. WTF is with ripping a vent out though?
if I were you I'd use this as an excuse to shave the handles....
-- +-- Mike Maskalans ---------------- Rochester, NY ----------+ | '98 Dakota CC, SAS on 40s '84 RamCharger 4x4, plow truck | | '02 Jetta TDI 5sp, daily '97 Intrepid, not on the road | +-------------------- <http://mike.tepidcola.com/trucks/> --+
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