Dakota Won't Start

From: Jamie Calder (jcalder3@cfl.rr.com)
Date: Sun Jan 21 2007 - 18:40:41 EST


Hello all,
I just got to pay $200 to get my '96 318 Dakota towed back to my house! It
just quit with no warning on I95. It turns over freely, has 1/2 tank of
gas, no trouble codes, and I pulled a wire and it has spark (that one wire
anyways). The fuel pressure gauge shows 49 PSI when the key is turned. The
voltage at the injector plugs goes up to about 2.5 volts. Is this normal?
It's a digital volt meter and maybe the split second the voltage jumps to 12
volts isn't long enough to register on the digital volt meter? Any other
ideas on where to start to look?



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