DML BBQ Conduct (was gun laws)

From: Terrible Tom (
Date: Mon Jan 29 2007 - 01:47:59 EST

Barry Oliver wrote:
> Holy crap, it worked. Now I am sitting here all sheepish, wondering
> what to do, kinda like the dog that caught the car....
> DR CHALLENGER wrote [in a personal email to me]:
> >Re: i give up and unsubscribed
> > this list has no dakota tech, just stupid bs . i joined to improved my
> > truck.
> >
> > i came back and gave the list another change and get insults from morons
> > like you. i dont need it.

LOL Well here's my take on the situation. I think that Mr Challenger
has the wrong idea about just what goes on at the DML BBQ's. First of
all - alcohol is NOT intermixed with driving at any of our meets.

My little incident with the pond was one of bad judgment on my part,
getting behind the wheel at an unearthly hour (3:30 am) - after just
having driven 800 miles. Being very tired, coupled with an embarrassing
realization that I was no where near as familiar with Jon's property as
I would have liked others to have believed I was.. is what contributed
to my accident.

Yes I admit I had a couple, and only a couple, cold frothy beverages
earlier that night, but well prior to midnight. I was by no means drunk
that night. Jon has clear rules regarding the consumption of alcohol and
activity on his property. There were at least half a dozen people awake
at that hour and I'm quite certain that if I was in a condition where I
should not have been behind the wheel because of drinking, my friends
would not have ever let me touch the keys. Hell they do a good job of
keeping the keys out of my hands in the day time when I'm totally sober.
*rimshot*... they are all now well aware never to let me drive when
tired :-)

As for fire arms, Jon and everyone else who attends the DML BBQ's are
very disciplined and mature and intelligent regarding fire arms. Jon,
Jason, Barry, to name only a few and even myself who I consider to be a
novice, are all mature adults who know fire arm safety procedures.
There is nothing else to be said about that.

As for Challengers feelings that The DML is full of "stupid BS" and we
don't discuss our trucks... well.. heh...

I have been and still have membership, to other online enthusiast clubs.
   None of which have the same charisma as The DML. Challenger thinks
this list is bad? This is nothing. This list is tame compared to
others. We don't have flame wars on a routine basis (however this list
has had its share of them in the past), we don't have massive amounts of
spamming, we don't have yahoos who join up just to start fights... our
personalities may clash from time to time - but that's normal. I've
said before that the DML is like a big extended family... and every
family has its quirks.

I'm a bit disappointed mr challenger here, passed judgment on a group of
people he's never met, nor really knows that well.

Anyway - I'm done worrying about what people think. Recent events...
both personal and global have only reinforced my personal zen philosophy
on life.... I've adopted a more laid back "fuck it all" position on

My new signature line quote, has a good piece of advice for all those
who allow their shorts to ride too far up their fannys...

Get a freaking rose tattoo and deal with it...
three busted-ass daks, a gas hog, and a rollerskate
AIM & Yahoo: SilverEightynine

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