al klabunde <> wrote:
>> I'll be towing about 40 miles in heavy traffic-not
> too much room for error.My first instinct was it
> should be able to do it without a problem then u-haul
> put a question in my mind.Lord knows I have enough
> questions in there.Grady, please be more spesific as
> to your address so I can tell my lawyer Grady said it
> was ok. Thanks,Grady Al
You asked for our advice and opinions, and that's what you got...
Before you posted, you already knew U-Haul's position on what you
wanted to do; maybe you were just looking for someone to parrot what
they said to put your mind at ease? The truth is that your Dakota is
capable of safely towing much more than what U-Haul says. To a man,
everyone who has replied to your message has said that U-Haul has
underrated the capabilities of your truck. U-Haul is engaged in some
CYA, reducing their liability, etc. You also have to factor in the
fact that they are dealing with the general public and they have to
assume that whoever rents their equipment has no prior experience.
Experience does make a big difference. There are some people who
would be a hazzard towing an empty trailer, and others who could tow
twice the recommendations and be perfectly safe. If you have doubts
about the capabilities of either yourself or your truck, then by all
means, err on the side of caution and figure out an alternate plan.
You might want to consider using a trailer instead of the dolly since
this will add trailer brakes to the equation and help out in the
stopping department. However, U-Haul may very well say that this
combo is too heavy also, which brings you back to square one. If all
else fails, hire somebody to move the vehicle for you.
You've got our opinion on the matter, so factor that in if you wish
or ignore it completely; consider your own limitations, weigh all the
options, make a choice, and most importantly, accept responsibility
for the consequences of that decision. (Yes, I know your lawyer
comment was likely in jest, but humor can be hard to convey in an
e-mail, and these messages are archived after all, so I had to throw
my $.02 in there, if not for you, then for the benefit of someone who
may stumble across this thread in the future.)
-- -Jon-.- Jon Steiger -- or -. | '96 Kolb Firefly, '96 Suzuki Intruder, Miscellaneous Mopars | `-------------------------------- --'
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