Odd happening

From: Zito, James A \(GE Infra, Energy\) (james.zito@ge.com)
Date: Tue May 15 2007 - 11:09:02 EDT

Got stuck in CT traffic on 95, imagine that who'd expect heavy traffic in CT on 95 with all the other interstate options heading east - west. So I pulled off to go around the mess and all of a sudden noticed that my fuel gage was on E and the "feed me" light was starting at me with its evil orange glow. Looked at my miles since last fill up, hmmn only 180...shouldn't it be at least 230+++??? Weird, maybe I took some road debris and have a hole in the tank or broke a line. Pull into gas station crawl under truck, no gas smell, no apparent damage, well let's try and turn the truck back on, and what do you know I had about 1/2 a tank.

Any ideas on why the 'puter would tell me I was on the fumes when I wasn't??

This was Saturday and I haven't had the problem again.

03 CC Dak, 2 pistons short of a full load.....

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