Splendid! I knew they's junk! :)
Steve P.
--- "Bernd D. Ratsch" <bernd@dodgetrucks.org> wrote:
> Remember, they're also the #1 "Buy Back" truck.
> (No, I'm not making that up
> either.)
> - Bernd
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steve Preston [mailto:steveophonic@yahoo.com]
> Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2007 9:08 PM
> To: dakota-truck@dakota-truck.net
> Subject: DML: Frod trucks seem cheap...
> I happened to look at the price tag on a new Ford
> F***,and it seems cheap for a new truck. V8 crew cab
> 4X4 auto with 5.4 V8 for $29,000?
> I don't remember seeing any Rams for that price with
> those options. Now,I'm not saying Ford makes a good
> truck. Far from it! You prolly wouldn't get it off
> the
> lot! But that price doesn't seem bad to me. But then
> again,I don't normally look at non-Mopars,because
> that
> is wrong to do.
> Steve P.
> ________
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> s=bz
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