Terrible Tom wrote:
> I almost feel as if this is some bizzare physcological experiment, with
> one dude dropping acid, and having everyone else take notes and give
> feedback on the guys actions and behavior while tripping out... as in I
> try something new with the truck and then ask for everyone to give me
> feedback LOL... <snip alot of incoherent mumbo jumbo>
Ok. I am not much of a mechanic, and I didn't stay in a Holiday inn
express last night. That said, simple logic and a couple of google
searches tells me that the more you can get to match, the better.
Starting with the motor, the more parts that you can plug into Christine
that match that motor, the happier you will be. I am talking computer,
intake, FI, everything, maybe even Dash if you can figure how. I
suspect it will be easier to re-plumb a new fuel pump and lines than try
to re-wire a pcm. As far as the RPM, maybe some type of cheater could
be wired in to cut the rpm signal [a small cap or resistor] down to a
managable level.
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