Jason Bleazard <dml@bleazard.net> wrote:
> Barry Oliver wrote:
>> Er, Oh-Henry and Presidents choice came from USA, IIRC..
> Huh... you're right about the Oh Henry bars. I don't remember seeing
> them in Utah, maybe they're one of those things that they didn't bother
> selling there because they figured we were an unimportant backwater.
> Lemme know when you get Coffee Crisp or Aero bars, then. :-)
> PC, on the other hand, is definitely Canadian.
> http://www.presidentschoice.ca/AboutPC/Story.aspx
> Do they sell PC stuff there now? I remember seeing a couple of their
> products at Fred Meyer back in the day, but at the time I didn't know
> they were from Canada.
Heh! I thought that Barry was right; I was actually going to post
something myself prior to his reply, but I had too much other stuff
going on here and didn't get around to it. We used to buy President's
Choice stuff (cookies, soft drinks, etc.) all the time from Quality
Markets here in WNY, this was back in the mid to late 80s. I didn't
really know anything about the brand, I just figured it was the "house
brand" of the supermarket (sort of like the "Great Value" brand and
Wal-Mart today). We bought a lot of PC products since it was usually
the cheapest price.
It didn't make much sense to me for President's Choice to come from
Canada, considering that you guys don't even have a president. :-)
And also, I've always noticed that their logo is clearly an imitation
of Ronald Reagan's signature. (I always assumed that the logo would
change to imitate the then current president's signature, but I guess
that didn't turn out to be the case.) Anyway, the possibility of it
not being a US company never entered my mind. :-)
Heh! The things that get discussed on the DML... :-)
-- -Jon-.- Jon Steiger -- jon@dakota-truck.net or jon@jonsteiger.com -. | '96 Kolb Firefly, '96 Suzuki Intruder, Miscellaneous Mopars | `-------------------------------- http://www.jonsteiger.com --'
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