> Jason Bleazard <> wrote:
>>Don Rey wrote:
>>>I have an older GPS unit... do you have a newer one w/ (crap forgot
>>>the terminology) that newfangled higher resolution better
>>>"between-buildings" and "under trees" reception? (been a while since
>>>I've looked at GPS stuff... dern house takes all my time)
>>Nope, I have a Garmin eMap, which they discontinued about 5 years ago.
>>It works great for me. I did buy an external antenna for it that sticks
>>magnetically to the roof, that seems to help out quite a bit in the trees.
> The last sort've improvement technology that I know of was WAAS,
> I'm not sure if that is what Don is referring to or not. Its been a
> while since I have looked at GPS units though, so there might be
> something that has come out since then. I've had my GPS for around 4
> years now, and it is WAAS enabled. (I'm not sure what WAAS is or what
> it stands for and I am too busy to go look it up at the moment, but
> there's always Google for that in case anyone is curious.) :-)
The Next "improvement is the SiRF III chipset, which seems to make a
world of difference. I have 3 gps's now, my Magellan, the USB [pharos]
that comes with map-point, and a Pro-gin SGM-207 which is also USB. The
Pro-gin is by far the fastest and most accurate of the three, when used
side by side....
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