The balance and the year/model. There are several different versions of the
same flexplate for the 5.2/5.9L engines. Later models use a different
flexplate than the older models. You'll need to find out what spacing you
have on the crank bolts for the flex plate and then match that up.
- Bernd
-----Original Message-----
From: Azie L. Magnusson []
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2007 2:08 PM
Subject: DML: Flex plate interchangeability??
What is the difference in the flex plate for the MAGNUM engines
of 5.2L(318) and 5.9L(360) ?? I thought they would be the
same, but I found out the hard(expensive) way that is not the
case. I took it off the engine(5.2L) @ the Yard.
I'm building(already built) a 5.9 that I got from a salvage
yard that supposedly came out of a '95 Ram 3500 to go into
my '95 Dakota. I purchased a different crankshaft from a local
machine shop that I've been using forever and I believe it to
be correct. The Flexplate I purchased from the Salvage yard
will not bolt up to either the Crank nor the torque converter
that I plan to use. This torque Converter has been in the
Dakota with the original engine. I purchased a weight kit for
it so it would be balanced correctly for the 5.9L. I had some
issues several years ago with the Tranny and I purchased a CORE
from a local rebuild house and built it and installed it and this
torque converter in my Dak and ran it for approx 2 years
then pulled it and reinstalled the original tranny and torque
converter.. I was planning to mate this newly rebuilt 5.9L
and the spare tranny/Torque converter and install them as
a unit but I need a flexplate.. I've already spent a small fortune
on this thing and have no intentions of turning back now.
New heads(aftermarket), Crank, Cam&Lifters, and of course
Oil Pump and gasket set.
Would you "IN THE KNOW" Gurus please tell me what years
are interchangeable for the 5.9L Flexplate???
"Light travels faster than sound.
That's why some people appear bright until you hear them speak. "
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