Re: Fuel kill switch and other anti-theft stuff

Date: Fri Nov 09 2007 - 20:49:01 EST

The best, cheapest, and easiest fuel kill switch it to just pull the fuel pump relay or fuse under the hood. As for a kill switch, if you wanted a switch, you would just need to cut and wire the switch inline with the trigger wire for the fuel pump relay. Only use the trigger for the relay because it's a low amp circuit.

---- Dan Kramarsky <> wrote:
> Does anyone have a good fuel kill switch circuit design for a Gen II?
> I am thinking of installing a hidden switch under my seat. I planned to mount it on the
> center arm rest housing way down low ( under the driver's seat ).
> the alternate position is inside the jack storage compartment under the rear seats. ( i
> have the extended cab )
> Has anyone seen a similar setups?
> p.s. i believe car alarms dont work in my city. and i believe that only lojacks or
> stealth kill switches ( fuel or ignition ) are the only way to go.
> Dan K.
> Vehicle: 1992 Dakota Club Cab LE Color: Two-tone silver Engine: 5.2L EFI
> Options: A/C, Cruise, PS, PB, PW, PL, 3.55 gear, 46RH, tinted rear slider.
> Mods: Home-brew CAI, March Performance pulley set, K&N Filters, 180* T-stat, relocated IAT, DynoMax Super Turbo Exhaust Kit, Hi-Flow Cat, Autolite plugs & wires, Gates hoses & belts.
> Photo:
> Whats Next: Mopar Performance PCM, 3.91 rear gear with LSD, electric fan, KYB shocks, re-paint body, 2/4 drop kit.
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