RE: Smog failure, a little help please

From: Pindell, Tim P (
Date: Fri Jan 04 2008 - 14:16:06 EST

There's still a lot of states/counties without emissions testing and
it's getting to be a much smaller list.  Old school thinking needs to be
put on the back burner and some forward thinking needs to be
implemented.  Our children, our grandchildren, and their offspring will
be living with our mistakes.  Plus, the emissions systems of today don't
rob the engines of power as they did 10 years ago.  Thermo-cats, newer
EGR systems, and all other electronics in the equation have already
proven that.

- Bernd ----

That "forward-thinking" would require sacrifice and an awareness of the common good that is anathema to many people. There's a lot of "I got my stuff, now piss off!" going around.

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