How many points did he have? :-)
I had something similar happen to me once.
1. Deer ran out on gravel road.
2. I slammed on the breaks.
3. Big side view mirror smacks buck in the side of its head, catches on
antlers and rips it out of the door.
4. Deer takes a step back, rams the side of my Ram.
5. Deer decides that wasn't enough and does the same to the tailgate.
6. Deer runs off.
Don Rey wrote:
> My truck was victimized by a 110lb buck last night. In all
> seriousness, he ran into me.
> So I had just left my house, was traveling down my road at 60mph (in a
> 25 zone... but you'll see speed actually helped me so don't go
> preaching against my lead foot just yet!) He jumped out in front of me
> so fast that I actually hit him at full speed. I only saw his head
> before contact. After I hit him, my brakes worked nicely! (recall
> brake job from hell.)
> I got out of the truck, looked at the front end and found *very*
> little damage for such a hard hit. My brush guard was slightly bent
> but there was zero fender damage and just a hole cracked in the turn
> signal assembly. Cool! Easily replaceable! But wait... there's more. I
> close my door and look down the rest of the body. The rear quarter was
> cruched! The deer hit ME! There's some body damage in front of the
> wheel well too. Now, I didn't run him over... my wheels never left the
> ground. Here's the slow motion play by play.
> My brush guard hit him square in the face at 60mph, sending a piece of
> antler bouncing off my windshield and landing 30 feet away. Any slower
> and he would have had time to get more of his body in front ot me.
> Hitting him in the head spun him around like a top. It was either that
> leverage or his own momentum (or a combination of both) that sent his
> rear end into my wheel well and rear quarter, causing most of my body
> damage.
> I called and waited for an officer to arrive. He promptly shot the
> deer and gave me a deer kill note. I don't think I'll use it though...
> I think my deductible will be more than the reimbursement.
> I'll post pics when I get a chance this weekend.
> Don in CT
> 89 Dak Vert 318 NV3500 4x4
> 74 Dart Sport 340
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