Phil Jenkins <> wrote:
> I have a problem with the family hauler. 01 Pontiac Montana. The
> turn signal flasher won't light up, I have 2v to 6.5v at the lamp
> socket and a good bulb in there but it won't light up. I switched
> the lamp holder with the side that works and it still won't flash,
> with the signal or the hazard flashers. I can't figure out how I
> could have juice at the socket but no flash. Any thoughts? Thanks.
I'm not quite sure from your description wether you are talking
about the actual turn signal itself, or the turn signal indicator on
the dash, but I'm going to assume it is the turn signal, on the
exterior of the vehicle.
2-6.5v doesn't sound like enough voltage to me; it should be around
12v (though if you're testing it while it is flashing, a multimeter
might not be fast enough to "see" the entire 12v before it cuts out)
If it actually is only getting 2-6.5v, that might not be enough to
light the bulb. Out of interest, have you tested the voltage on the
side which is working, and if so, is it the same?
Does the matching turn signal flash too? (That is, if the front
left is the broken one, does the rear left work?) If it does, then
that at least narrows it down to that corner, and at that point, its
either a problem with the power or the ground. Is the socket the type
where the bulb gets its ground through the body of the socket itself,
or is it a plastic socket with a 2 wire pigtail? Either way, you may
want to check the resistance between the ground in the socket and a
known good ground, such as the negative battery terminal (there should
be continuity, with very little resistance), or test for 12v across
the socket ground and the positive battery terminal and/or between the
socket power and battery negative terminal. Which one of the above
tests will be effective does kind've depend on how the system works
though, wether the ground is constant and the flasher applies 12v or
wether the 12v is constant and the flasher applies ground. You can
determine which is the case by checking the working side.
I hope that helps... Good luck with it!
-- -Jon-.- Jon Steiger -- or -. | '96 Kolb Firefly, '96 Suzuki Intruder, Miscellaneous Mopars | `-------------------------------- --'
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