Re: Mileage

From: Dustin Williams (
Date: Wed May 14 2008 - 23:59:56 EDT

On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 7:54 PM, <> wrote:
> ANDY :-) i WAS SHY ON TOUCHING THAT . Beer drinking do to hops and
> barley and malt will alter that market. What price is life. God Gave US
> Life And To be Good , If the products from the the farms is lost, we face
> the end of north american econom

The state of Washington produces enough wheat and hops to supply the
entire supply for the US and probably enough hops for the rest of
North America as well. There are no shortages of grains right now and
won't be unless the environmentalist succeed at getting the dams
removed. I was speaking with a wheat farmer in Eastern Oregon a few
weeks ago and the price they can sell at has tripled over the last few
years, that is if they sell to the Ethanol producers since they are
now using wheat as well as corn since it's cheaper, his dad decided to
sell it for food and only made half what he would have otherwise.

When it comes to prices of commodities such as crude oil, corn, or
wheat, what drives the prices is what's going on in the heads of the
commodity traders, fears over natural disaster, bad weather,
instability, etc. Reality has very little to play into it. If oil ever
returns to it's real value it would be back down to about $40 per

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