Re: RE: Help needed: O2 Sensor part numbers

From: David Gersic (
Date: Fri May 23 2008 - 21:47:49 EDT

On Thursday 22 May 2008 11:28 pm, Bernd D. Ratsch wrote:
> If there are 4 sensors, the front and rear sensors will have different
> connectors. Look at the connector and you should see two of them with
> slots that are off center.

Ok, you're right. A closer look shows that the four sensors have three
different connectors.

56041702AA and 56041706AA have the same connector, with the left and right
side slots offset vertically. 56041699AA has the side slots offset, but
reversed from 702 and 706. 56041698AA has the side slots directly across from
each other.

So that should make this almost idiot proof. That should help.

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