"Jason Bleazard" <dml@bleazard.net> wrote:
> On Thu, May 29, 2008 4:56 pm, Zito, James A \(GE Infra, Energy\) said:
>> I will assume they are nylock nuts, my general rule with them
>> is they can get reused 1 time.
> Actually, they aren't. I finally found a picture of what they look like.
> http://info.rockauto.com/Spicer/DetailRemote.html?8164245-1.jpg
> I'm going to assume that whenever I hear these need to be replaced, it applies
> to the nylock version and not to the kind I have. As long as I keep believing
> that I won't have to worry about it :-).
Yeah, I don't see any reason why those would need to be replaced
(they aren't a lock nut, right? just basically a regular nut with a
flange?) You may be right with the nylock thing, if they make nylock
spindle nuts, then I can see not wanting to re-use those, especially
if they aren't backed up by a castle nut, but something that comes to
mind with people saying to replace spindle nuts is the "old style"
spindle nuts like what I have on my '47 CJ2A, they are basically two
large, thin nuts (like a jam nut) with a shim between them that has a
tab on it to lock them in place. The reason people seem to replace
those all the time is because they install and remove them using a
chisel and a hammer. I guess they don't know that you can buy a
spindle nut socket for about $5, and re-use the nuts forever. :-)
I have a sneaking suspicion that the whole "always replace the
spindle nuts" comes out of that style nut and the fact that you rarely
find a vehicle which hasn't had the nuts installed with a chisel or a
screwdriver. :-) So people probably assume that you are either going
to resort to the same tactic, or that the previous owner already has.
C'mon people, chisels are for Cherokee ignition switches, not
spindle nuts! ;-)
-- -Jon-.- Jon Steiger -- jon@dakota-truck.net or jon@jonsteiger.com -. | '96 Kolb Firefly, '96 Suzuki Intruder, Miscellaneous Mopars | `-------------------------------- http://www.jonsteiger.com --'
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