RE: RE: RE: Water pump

From: Brian (
Date: Sun Aug 03 2008 - 22:50:46 EDT

Well, if he's paying a shop to do it, I guess it would be up to the shop on
how they do it. Either way, it won't be cheap for him. If he's doing it by
himself in a parking lot, dropping the tank might be easier than lifting the
bed by himself. Either way, not an easy job.

brian cropp
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Bernd D.
Sent: Sunday, August 03, 2008 8:10 PM
Subject: DML: RE: RE: Water pump

You don't have to drop the tank at all...lift the bed up and take it out
from the top. (Toolbox and/or camper shell depending though). On the
quad-cabs, yes...drop the tank.

- Bernd

-----Original Message-----
From: Brian []
Sent: Sunday, August 03, 2008 7:43 PM
Subject: DML: RE: Water pump

Good luck taking it to a shop without getting bent over. Water pump is easy
to do with just a basic tool set, even in a parking lot. If you don't have
any other problems with the truck, I'd just stick with doing the water pump
for now. As for your other questions.

Timing chain, get a Cloyes True timing chain set

Belly pan gasket is technically refered to as plenum gasket on the intake

IMO, the stock replacement water pumps work just fine, no need to spend the
money on a "high flow" water pump that won't help much anywyas.

Fuel pump is a PITA and will cost a lot since they have to drop the tank and
the assembly itself is over $100. Don't worry about it.

brian cropp
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Mike Burgess
Sent: Sunday, August 03, 2008 3:17 PM
Subject: DML: Water pump

Oh wise list, a happy DAK owner asks:

Got a '98 318/5.2 that has 112,000 miles on it.

Water pump has started to drip. I guess I might have a week to figure out
what to do, before it goes completely.

I'm in Los Angeles, and have no garage or tools or workspace to speak of, so
I'll need to take it to a shop.

I'm also considering doing the following and making this a major overhaul.

Timing Chain
Clean Throttle Body
O2 sensors (orig still in there. well frozen I suspect)
Intake/Belly pan gasket R&R for a solid one.

I'm wondering
1) what shop - suggestions
2) what to ask for in a chain ( & buffer ? )
3) the right name for the big honking Belly Pan Gasket
4) having gotten 112K on the water pump, are the any better ones out there?
5) is it worth doing anything about a seemingly fine fuel pump?
6) no symptoms of anything else.

I've been running Mobil 1 since 10K, so I assume all the innards are ok,
anything that is prone to go bad I should look into while it's open ?

Heater core - been keeping clean anti-freeze all this time, should core be
ok, or with the water pump leak sealed up, is the core likely to pee all
over my carpet now ?

'98 Club cab, 318, auto, LSD, squeaky urethane bushings, JBA ceramic coated
headers & Y pipe

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