Hi Jon. I'm comming on Fri 22. Brining small tent as backup.
Regards, Jim , 91 Dak
> Just a reminder to anyone who may have forgotten (like myself until
>about 3 minutes ago, for example) :-) that the DML BBQ is next week! The
>official dates are Fri-Sat August 22-23, but as usual, early arrivals are
>welcome, wether you want to check out some local sights, scout the trails,
>or just hang out, that's fine by me.
> Event profile: http://tinyurl.com/299rd
> If you are planning to attend, could you please post here or send me an
>e-mail to let me know, along with your anticipated arrival date? (i.e. will
>you be here for both days, just one, showing up early, etc.) That'll help
>me to figure out how much food to get and will give me a general idea of
>what's going on. Oh, also, if you are planning on camping, please let me
>know. I haven't mowed the airstrip or any of the fields and such all year.
> I probably won't be able to get around to doing that before the BBQ, but
>if anyone is camping, I will mow the usual "tent city" area and/or anywhere
>else you might want to set up.
> Thanks!
> -Jon-
> .- Jon Steiger -- jon@dakota-truck.net or jon@jonsteiger.com -. | '96
>Kolb Firefly, '96 Suzuki Intruder, Miscellaneous Mopars |
>`-------------------------------- http://www.jonsteiger.com --'
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