OK I forgot to add that my battery had been slowly dieing, voltage was
dropping below 12 volts and you could tell it was cranking slower so I
bought a new 800 cca and replaced it (thought that could have been causing
the problems, no change)
Shawn Keefe
95 5.2 Dak SLT
----- Original Message -----
From: <knox.james@sympatico.ca>
To: <dakota-truck@dakota-truck.net>
Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2008 6:30 PM
Subject: RE: DML: Help!
> A baterry that died or does not have a full charge sometimes causes the
> engine computer to act this way requireing the 2 foot.
> Jim ; 91 Dak
> >
> >Alright you Dakota guru's. I'm still fighting a problem with my Dak and I
> >know you guy's can help me out. The Daks been stalling on me and some had
> >suggested cleaning the throttle body and IAC port since I had never had
> >it
> >done since I've owned it(9 + years) well did that and it was running like
> >a
> >champ idle was smooth and came up to about 700 to 800 rpms in park from
> >around 400. That lasted about a week and now were back to stumbling and
> >dying, starts right back up but is a pain in the a** I can 2 foot it and
> >keep the Rs up but what else could be causing this,I changed out the tps
> >earlier this summer when I was having a problem with Trans not
> >downshifting
> >to 1st after stopping. I am at my wits end, do i just start throwing
> >sensors at this till I get lucky or what. Now that winters coming it's
> >going to be the daily driver again(Time to put the Motorcycle away!)
> >Thanks
> >for any Help or Ideas you guys can give me.
> >
> >
> >
> >Shawn Keefe 95 5.2 Dak SLT
> >
> >
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