<< As the part I got from work was listed for all models back to 1993, I
can only assume my truck must hace something uncommon.<<
ah... and I thought these things all went away with the advent of the
magnum... imagine your dismay had your Ram been a premag =)
oh yeah... the point: a few things to remember that may make your journey
into transmission land a little easier. Take your VIN into the dealership so
they can get the exact part. Also, the 46RE didn't join the ranks untill the
late 90's. Even if the parts computer says it'll fit back to 93, there may
be some electronics differences since the RE has more electronic doodads
than the RH. And of course, 4wd vs. 2wd could very well change things.
good luck!
- miggity <--- former service writer
00' R/T CC... a mod or two or 9 =)
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