Thanks guys. I've forwarded the responses to him. Sounds like if it's
the pinion bearing it'll be a pain to replace. I'll have him add some
of the friction modifier to the diff just in case, but it sounds like it
might be a long shot.
Andy Levy wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 19:15, Matt Beazer
> <> wrote:
>> A friend of mine has a 2000 Dakota SLT, 4.7L, 4x4, 5 speed manual with
>> the "handling package", 9.25" rear end with factory limited slip.
>> For the last year or so, it's been making a loud "whine" from the rear
>> end that is speed dependant, but not throttle dependent. It starts out
>> from a stop with a low noise, then peaks at 35mph, quiets down until 45,
>> gets really loud, and keeps doing this through 75mph. It's like an odd
>> resonance that can get loud enough to really annoy your ears and make
>> talking in the cab difficult. We had originally changed the diff fluid
>> 6-8 months prior by using a suction pump in the fill hole, then used Red
>> Line "Shock proof" gear oil that had the correct rating per the owners
>> manual, but that seemed pretty thin and looked (and smelled) like yellow
>> puss. So we dropped the cover completely after the noise started and
>> cleaned it out and re-filled with Royal Purple gear lube. This quieted
>> it down by an order of magnitude, but it's getting louder again.
>> Does anyone have any ideas on what this likely is? Like I said, it's
>> not throttle dependent - you can put the truck in neutral and coast and
>> get the same noise. It's just completely speed dependent and
>> considering the Royal Purple quieted it down, it's definitely coming
>> from the rear end.
> Rear pinion area. My father had a whine from the rear end of his '00
> Durango w/ the 9.25. He discovered a weeping pinion seal, took it in
> to get fixed, and when it was all said and done, no more whine.
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