Re: Electric fan power source

Date: Sat May 23 2009 - 12:44:12 EDT

Matt Beazer <> wrote:

> Hello,

> Anyone have any hints on what I could tap into on a '95 Dakota V8 for a
> key-on source that could handle the amperage draw that a 16" electric
> puller fan would impose upon it? I'd just run the fan controller input
> wire to the battery but I'm afraid it would run all the time in the
> summer with the key off, and I'd come out to a truck with a dead battery.

   I would recommend drawing the power source for the fans directly
from the battery, and use a relay in the supply line which is
triggered by your switched source.

   The benefits to doing it that way is the fans have a nice clean
power source with properly sized wires and you don't need to worry
about finding a switched power source which also can handle the entire
amperage of the fans. All your switched power needs to be able to
handle is triggering the coil contacts on the relay, which for all
practical purposes is no load at all.

   Doing it as above, you can basically pick any switched source you
want. I think the cigarette lighter in your '95 would be switched,
and the wires are fairly accessible. Or, if you'd prefer to keep all
the wiring under the hood and don't have anything else to run to the
cab like an override switch, you can probably probe around in the
power distribution center under the hood and find a switched source.
(Actually, the entire PDC might be switched, but I don't remember for

   I hope that helps! If you need any help such as a wiring diagram
or something to show how a relay would be used, just let me know.


.- Jon Steiger -- or -. | '96 Kolb Firefly, '96 Suzuki Intruder, Miscellaneous Mopars | `-------------------------------- --'

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