RE: Re: Thanks to my Friends on the DML

From: Bob N (
Date: Thu Sep 17 2009 - 23:31:08 EDT


My brother had this exact operation......

Email me off the list and I will get you in touch with him.....he is fine.

Glad to hear your going to be ok pal


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Scott Lane
Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2009 11:13 PM
Subject: Re: DML: Re: Thanks to my Friends on the DML


> Hi to all on my fav DML people.

I have gone from being told a few weeks ago, that I should get my
affairs in order, to a new possibility of beating this thing, quite a
difference.  Two doctors told me that my situation was hopeless, but
another came along and sent me to a couple of specialists with hope.
> It seems that I have a tumor growing INSIDE my spinal cord near my brain
stem.  This is NOT a good thing.  I was suffering some severe pain and onset
paralysis a few months ago and it looked as if I might be diagnosed with
Gehrig's or MS, but the symptoms would disappear for a while. Then, the
symptons did NOT disappear and the pain became unimaginable.  My spinal cord
was choking itself off inside my backbone, ouch, that hurts!
> So, as it is, I am heading to the Mayo Clinic on Sept 29th for another
neck exam.  On the 30th, one of the best surgeons in all the world will
examine me and do surgery if everything looks good from there.  Now, do you
THINK I would have a chance at this if we had nationalized health care???
and yes, I buy my own health insurance.
> In the meantime, I am on some intense pain and steroid drugs.  This is a
cancer that usually metathesizes throughout the body and goes here near the
end.  I have no other cancers, only this one place.  This odd example is
what attracts attention and has been a blessing for me because it is so
unusual.  So, with luck, love, and the touch of the The Great Dakota maker
in the sky, I will have this surgery, inside my spinal cord, (dangerous as
one can imagine), and be on my merry way for another fun 50 years or so.  I
have had the tumor a long time and it has grown very slowly, but it is found
and it shall be attacked!
> Right now, I can type, relax, watch football, but no
driving.....ughhhhh...sure miss that one...damn....but I am going to pull
through.  So many people sent so many inspiring and fun emails to me I can
never thank all of you enough.  You are all so neat and a fun group to hang
with, even if its just online.
> Updates as I get them,
> God Bless America and God Bless all of YOU,
> Rascal

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