Leaky GenII

From: jon@dakota-truck.net
Date: Wed Oct 07 2009 - 17:40:16 EDT

   I've recently noticed that when it rains, I'm getting water in the
driver's side floorboard of my '96. Went to use the truck this
morning and had a 1" deep puddle of water inside! It rained pretty
hard last night.

   The water is only in the driver's side floorboard, the passenger
side is bone dry. I haven't found out where its coming in yet. I
pulled the carpet and some of the sound insulation away from the
firewall, but it all seems dry there, so it doesn't *seem* like its
coming down the firewall. I don't see an obvious water trail or
anything like that. Its fresh water, so its not a leaky heater core.

   I probably need to break out the tools so I can pull away more of
the carpet for a better inspection.

   I might also run a garden hose over the truck and see if I can see
where its getting in.

   Just thought I would post first though to see if there might be a
common trouble spot to check? Is there a drain for the cowl vents
which might be plugged?

   Mice got into the truck over the winter and they may have built a nest
somewhere or chewed something to cause the problem... Disgusting
little things crapped all over too. The truck will be stored with
plenty of poison in the cab this winter!

   Of course this would happen when I have nowhere convenient to park
the truck except out in the weather! :-P

   Anyway, any obvious/common places to check for water leaks would be
appreciated. :-)



.- Jon Steiger -- jon@dakota-truck.net or jon@jonsteiger.com -. | '96 Kolb Firefly, '96 Suzuki Intruder, Miscellaneous Mopars | `-------------------------------- http://www.jonsteiger.com --'

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