RE: 2002 water leak Q 2 of 2

From: Bob N (
Date: Mon Feb 15 2010 - 18:29:13 EST

The heater blower doesn't move enough air volume and won't build up enough
pressure to overcome the normal cabin leaks


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Don
Sent: Monday, February 15, 2010 6:09 PM
Subject: Re: DML: 2002 water leak Q 2 of 2

Just seal up the vents on the back wall and use the heater blower on
full. Then go wild with the soapy water. That should be enough to show

Don Mallett

On 2/15/2010 5:34 PM, Bob N wrote:
> Funny Jon I was thinking the exact same thing although I would use the
> side of the vaccum... only cause a blow job is better than a suck job :o)
> sorry couldn't resist that.
> Then just spray everywhere up with some dish soap in a sprayer.... I did
> same thing to make sure all of my speaker compartments / baffles where
> sealed from each other.
> Your going to have the normal leakage from grommets and such on the
> but I'm sure the volume of the shop vac will be enough....or you can use a
> leaf blower too.
> Bob
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of
> Sent: Monday, February 15, 2010 4:55 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: DML: 2002 water leak Q 2 of 2
> Barry Oliver<> wrote:
>> I had water problems on my '99 like that, but I was still under
>> warranty, so I made the dealer find the leak. It took 4 trips in, but
>> they finally called in an outside company that hooked up this
>> contraption and pressurized the cabin of my truck, then they pumped
>> smoke or something that they could see in, and found where it was coming
>> out. It was an involved, day long process, but in my case they found
>> that in a couple places, where the body seams are, the glue was
>> insufficient/missing. One of the places was on the passenger side
>> firewall, where the heater hoses came in. The sealer was still there,
>> but not sealing....
> Just thinking out loud here, but an el-cheapo way to do this might
> be to find someplace to hook up a shop vac (rear slider? plastic over
> a window?) and create a vacuum inside the cab. Then use something
> that makes smoke and run it around the seams and such to see if you
> can see anything being sucked inside. Of course, an air leak doesn't
> necessarily equal a water leak, but it might pinpoint some areas for
> further investigation.

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