Re: Testy

From: Michael Maskalans (
Date: Mon Apr 12 2010 - 16:59:39 EDT

I'm testy from my relaxation.

this weekend's R&R was the R&R of a bowtie powerplant in a buddy's buggy.

the 350 in it was knocking, probably rod bearings going. we on the Mopar side may have problems with intake manifold plenum gaskets, but at least the manifolds themselves seal up. intake manis on a SBC are just annoying. to make matters worse we had to modify the mani to accept two bolts at different angles than designed (gen 1 manifold on a TBI block and heads - no option on the manifold since we needed the quadrajet bore for the propane mixer), then cracked it with a heater hose fitting and welded it up, and then after filling the motor with water it started leaking like a sieve out the top of the manifold.

at least the hard part is done. an intake swap after Sunday's R&R will be nothing. but along with new gear installs it'll be a long week to go wheeling this weekend.

I need a vacation from my vacation! but it's nearly time to go racing! :)

On 12-Apr, 2010, at 12:58 , Josh Battles wrote:

> I'm sorry to hear you're Testy. Perhaps you need to relax.
> - Josh

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