Wierd headlight thing

From: Barry Oliver (barrysuperhawk@comcast.net)
Date: Sun Apr 18 2010 - 21:26:25 EDT

The other day on the way home at 2AM, I started having issues with my
headlights in that they would just go out, with no warning. Messing
with the switch did not produce reliable results, but, it was not hot to
the touch either. I found I could hold the turn signal back and get
light. My fogs also worked properly. Sometimes activating the brights
and then switching back brought my low beams back about 50% of the time,
and overall seemed more reliable than futzing with the switch.

This went on for 50 miles or so, but since then I have had no problems
whatsoever. So could this be a flakey relay?

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