My bet is the multi-function switch that actuates the high beams, wipers &
turn signals.
Piece of cake to change out.
Bob (DAKSY) Smith
2K SY Dakota Sport +
V-6 4 x 4 5 speed
2K08 HD Softail CrossBones
Satin Black (Not Yellow)
Averill Park, NY
----- Original Message -----
From: "Barry Oliver" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, April 18, 2010 9:26 PM
Subject: DML: Wierd headlight thing
> The other day on the way home at 2AM, I started having issues with my
> headlights in that they would just go out, with no warning. Messing with
> the switch did not produce reliable results, but, it was not hot to the
> touch either. I found I could hold the turn signal back and get light.
> My fogs also worked properly. Sometimes activating the brights and then
> switching back brought my low beams back about 50% of the time, and
> overall seemed more reliable than futzing with the switch.
> This went on for 50 miles or so, but since then I have had no problems
> whatsoever. So could this be a flakey relay?
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