Re: Used parts value

From: Ed McCarrick (
Date: Sat May 15 2010 - 23:24:19 EDT

----- Original Message ----
From: TerribleTom <>
Sent: Fri, May 14, 2010 10:21:22 PM
Subject: Re: DML: Used parts value

> Jason Wrote:
>> Tom, hopefully you'll be able to make it to the BBQ.  It won't be the same without you (plus you know the rule about bringing your girlfriend to the BBQ, we're all going to question her existence until then).  If so, bring me another case or two of delicious beer and the cat is yours.  If not, well, I guess we all understand real life getting in the way of fun.

> wrote:
>    Indeed.  I am a bit rusty on the rules though - someone please
> remind me - how many consecutive years of not bringing said GF to the
> BBQ does it take before we are allowed to claim that "she" is a man? :-)
>    (Andy is already salivating at the opportunity for payback, I can
> feel it!)  ;-)

Hmmm the way I see it is I have at least 4 BBQ's before I'm bound by club rules to "put up or shut up" so to speak. heh

But is the fact that we are talking about it before the event actually give authority for a preemptive strike?



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