On May 18, 2010, at 11:00 PM, jon@dakota-truck.net wrote:
> also, how does
> the computer "know" that the valve is bad?
I wouldn't know on a Mopar, but I believe the HEMIs have moved to a
MAF setup, have they not? If that's the case it's probably the same
as the VW setup: compare requested EGR to actual MAF versus throttle
position. If MAF is showing too high or low a value for a requested
EGR value at a given throttle position and RPM, it knows something is
wrong with the air flow and assumes EGR function.
It would also be possible to directly sample the EGR if it is
electronically actuated of course.... I'm sure there's a test
procedure out there for the particular codes set. Finding it is the
Good luck,
Glad to have Moby the great white whale back. A new ECM in my
friend's 24v and I'm not daily driving the Dakota anymore.
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