There are no vulgar words in existance foul enough or vile enough to properly
describe how angry I am. Over the weekend I established contact with an
individual who was going to help me ship the truck frame from Califorina to
Wisconsin for a very very reasonable fee. I had to wait for today to call the
salvage yard, due to the holiday weekend. I was informed by the rudest biggest
asshole in the universe, that the truck had been crushed. This was not the
individual I had talked to prior. I don't know who I talked to, they never said
who they were. But I was basically told the truck was crushed and I quote them
as having said they "can't shit me a new frame". More rude things were said
to me but its pointless. If you ever deal with Pearsons Wrecking in Ridge
Crest CA, please tell them for me that they can get fucked. I was assured the
truck was not going to be scrapped while I tried to make arrangements. I dont
know what to do now... I really just want to cry.
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