Well, I got my brakes apart today. Got the driver's side apart and
found the source of my squeak - some dimbulb prior to myself managed to
not tighten one of the brake pins, it was about finger tight. Since the
caliper was shifting around so much the pads wore funny and cracked a
couple chunks off the caliper piston. No wonder if felt like the brakes
were dragging a little.
Then I went to take the caliper off to replace it and found this:
How the $#@$@# do you do THAT to a banjo bolt? Cripes! Of course Napa
was closed (all their stores close at 4:30pm locally for some stupid
reason). Autostoned and O'Really had no idea what I was talking about.
I had them pull a new brake line to see if the bolt came with it, but
they don't. So now I'm stuck until tomorrow when Napa reopens. Anyone
know what size/thread pitch/length they are for a 2nd gen 4x4?
I did get one side done:
P.S. - Bled them fine with the Harbor Freight tool. Found out the hard
way to put the auto-refilling bottle in the FRONT port of the master
cylinder. Otherwise the front goes dry when bleeding the drums and you
wonder why the line suddenly has nothing but air in it. ;)
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