Re: Ugh! More truck problems. Something's wrong with my 4 wheel drive.

From: David Gersic (
Date: Sun Dec 26 2010 - 13:15:24 EST

On Sunday 26 December 2010 12:06:01 you wrote:
> 2003 4x4 manual trans. When I put it into 4x4, I hear a terrible
> noise. The best way I can describe it is it sounds like gravel. Kind
> of has a clicking sound to it. I don't hear it in 4x2. Any ideas?

Does your 2003 have two standard U joints on the front driveshaft? Or is it
like my 2001 with a CV joint on the driveshaft where it meets the transfer

Mine had the CV joint fail, and made noise like that. The bad news, if you
have the CV joint style driveshaft, is that it's not repairable. You have to
buy a new driveshaft. I replaced mine and got one with a standard U joint
instead of the CV so I won't have to deal with that again.

Alternately, your noise could be in the transfer case, or even possibly the
front differential or CV axles.

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