At 13:15 12/26/2010, you wrote:
>On Sunday 26 December 2010 12:06:01 you wrote:
> > 2003 4x4 manual trans. When I put it into 4x4, I hear a terrible
> > noise. The best way I can describe it is it sounds like gravel. Kind
> > of has a clicking sound to it. I don't hear it in 4x2. Any ideas?
>Does your 2003 have two standard U joints on the front driveshaft? Or is it
>like my 2001 with a CV joint on the driveshaft where it meets the transfer
>Mine had the CV joint fail, and made noise like that. The bad news, if you
>have the CV joint style driveshaft, is that it's not repairable. You have to
>buy a new driveshaft. I replaced mine and got one with a standard U joint
>instead of the CV so I won't have to deal with that again.
>Alternately, your noise could be in the transfer case, or even possibly the
>front differential or CV axles.
I'm not sure if I have a CV joint there. I figured it was one of
those three. I was hoping to narrow it down. I don't think it's the
diff because I don't hear it in 4x2 and it turns in 4x2 or 4x4.
-Andrew Kelsey
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