Re: Bzzrrttt

From: David Gersic (
Date: Thu Dec 30 2010 - 12:30:55 EST

On Thursday 30 December 2010 09:50:35 you wrote:
> And on a sidenote, it only takes about 15 minutes to do a blower motor (or
> resistor) in a BMW E30.

Time to actually replace the resistor card on my '01: about 5 minutes.

FINDING the resistor card on my '01: about 3 hours.

The FSM says it's behind the cowl, so you have to take off the wipers, then
the cowl cover. Then it's on the passenger side, in an access hole. Yeah,

It's actually in the passenger compartment, below the glove box door. Once you
find out where it is, it's two screws and one plug and it's replaced. But
hunting around behind the cowl trying to find it will cost you a couple of

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