well it was a warm and sunny morning in MA today, so I perused my FSM for the '03 Dak and said GEEBUS that's an awful lot of work to change a thermostat............
so I went outside and popped the hood to take a looksee and came to the conclusion that if I was a flat rate mech I'd never even consider following them thar directions.
I'm not a flat rate mech, and I didn't sleep in a holiday inn express late night either, although work finds me in one tonight in Greenbush NY.
However, completely undaunted I grabbed my socket set and proceeded to move the alternator brace and unbolt the housing, then I gave the upper hose a tug and pulled the housing off, pliers got applied to the Tstat and out it came.
Bizzare failure the cage for the wax pellet had busted on one side.
Don't know what they used as gasket adhesive back in the day but it wouldn't come off until it was chewed off by many thousands of glass beads.
Back on the hose new thermo in place and now the dilemma how do i get them bolts back in 5" down a hole....
hmm magnet through the socket....nope can't get any torque......
maybe something sticky in the socket....duct tape....no I'm not on the shores of scenic Lake Asbestos.......ah grease!!!!!!!
Couple minutes later it was filled back up and running like a top!!!!
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