On 2/19/2011 09:09, Eric wrote:
> They don't look the same to me.
>>>>> http://www.rockauto.com/catalog/moreinfo.php?pk=319236
> The rock auto one looks like it is inserted bulb first so you wouldn't see the bulb once mounted. See the contacts on the bulb side of the part?
>>>> http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e266/sdoherma/Ramheater_bulb/DSC_0004Small.jpg
> This one is inserted base first (i assume with contacts on the
> bottom) so the glass sticks out.
> But it could be that this is shaped like the rock auto one and sticks *through* the mount on the pcb.
>>> Uhm, that looks like the same bulb dude... the *picture* is
>>> bigger...
>> They have that bulb described as the turn signal bulb.
>> Admittedly, I haven't pulled out my turn signal bulb and looked
>> at it, but I doubt it is as small as the bulb i need. If it is
>> the bulb I need, it is poorly described and poorly illustrated.
>> How can I be sure that is the one?
> I suppose it would help to pull the one from the PCB out and have a
> better look.
The right bulb is inserted bulb first from the back of the circuit
board. It just varies a bit in appearance and without numbers for
dimensions, why would I think it is the right one? It doesn't show up
when I search the part number.
-- -Andrew Kelsey E-mail: ajkelsey@grandroyal.org
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