On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 12:29 PM, <jon@dakota-truck.net> wrote:
> Jamie C <jamie12ga@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Sun, May 8, 2011 at 9:28 PM, <jon@dakota-truck.net> wrote:
> >>
> >> Jamie C <jamie12ga@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>
> >> > Bill,
> >> > I did some Googling and most of what I came up with stated that EGR
> was
> >> only
> >> > up to '95. I know I have egr (tube from intake manifold to exhaust
> >> > manifold, transducer/valve, canister by passenger fender, etc). And
> it's
> >> a
> >> > '96...has an OBD II PCM (silver metal PCM, not black plastic OBD I
> PCM).
> >>
> >>
> >> Interesting. The rectangular metal box with 3 connectors, right?
> >> I wonder if there was some sort of parts mixing during the changeover?
> >> That would be weird, but I've learned "never say never" when it comes
> >> to Mopar!. Do you happen to know your Dak's build date? If not, and
> >> if you still have the decal on the driver's side door, you can get it
> >> from there. Here's an example of what a Jeep decal looks like, should
> >> be similar on your Dak:
> http://www.steigerperformance.com/libertybuilddate
> >>
> >> > What was changed on later 3.9's, 5.2's and 5.9's to be able to run
> >> without
> >> > egr?
> >>
> >> I believe they just removed all of the EGR crap and the computer
> >> does not look for it.
> >>
> >>
> > Yes, 3 connectors to the PCM.
> > The build date is 11/95. I guess they had some exhaust tubes,
> transducers
> > and canisters to use up!
> That's interesting! Mopar has done some goofy things over the
> years, which is why I "never say never" when it comes to some of the
> different ways these vehicles can come out of the factory.
> So I guess the question is, if they were indeed using up some of
> the leftover '95 parts, did they actually enable EGR in the computer?
> Because as far as I know, the '96 vehicles' computers know nothing
> about EGR. It wouldn't seem to make sense to put the EGR stuff on
> there if the computer wasn't actually going to use it (seems like it
> would be better just to transfer all of the leftover parts from the
> assembly line to dealer inventory to use for repairs on existing
> vehicles, rather than just "wasting" it by installing it on vehicles
> that aren't even going to use it.) If they were trying to use up the
> exhaust manifolds and/or intake manifolds, why not just block off the
> ports?
> Here's an experiment you might want to try... (Might have to wait
> until you actually get the engine rebuilt and reinstalled though.)
> Unplug the EGR valve's electrical connector and see if the truck ever
> complains about it. Another thing to do might be to try and trace the
> wires from that connector and see if they ever actually make it to the
> computer.
> Do you have the OBD-II data port on the underside of the dash in
> the driver's side footwell?
> Here's another possible data point... I just did a search for an
> EGR valve on one of the Mopar parts sites that I often use, and its
> showing the application years for the EGR valve to be 1994-1997 for
> the 3.9, 5.2 and 5.9. (1992-1997 for the 2.5) Granted, that could be
> a typo, but it also might be an indication that some of the OBD-II
> trucks were actually supposed to get an EGR valve.
> One thought that comes to mind is I wonder if this could have
> anything to do with the Federal vs California emissions packages? Do
> you know where your truck was originally sold? I wonder if the CA
> emissions trucks had EGR but then at some point they realized it
> wasn't necessary and dropped it?
> Here's another data point - I just looked through my 1996 FSM and
> could not find any reference to EGR at all. Also, in the diagnostic
> trouble codes section, it skips from code 31 to code 33. (code 32 is
> EGR). The PCM connector pinouts list nothing for EGR, though there
> are some unused pins. This makes me wonder if they really were just
> using up parts. I have a strong suspicion that your EGR system is
> actually doing nothing at all! If you have an opportunity to trace
> the wires from your EGR connector, I'd be highly interested to learn
> where they connect to, if anywhere! If they do actually run into the
> PCM, I'd be interested to learn exactly which connector and pin it
> goes to, to compare to the pinouts in my PCM.
> Strange things are afoot at the Circle K. :-)
> --
> -Jon-
> .- Jon Steiger -- jon@dakota-truck.net or jon@jonsteiger.com -.
> | '96 Kolb Firefly, '96 Suzuki Intruder, Miscellaneous Mopars |
> `-------------------------------- http://www.jonsteiger.com --'
> \
I snapped a couple shots of the exhaust and intake manifold near the OBD II
PCM...Some things you just need to see for yourself :) . Sent to j@sp.com
I'm curious too so I'll be tracing the wire.
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