Re: A Dakota died for me tonight

From: Josh Battles (
Date: Fri May 27 2011 - 09:16:59 EDT

On May 27, 2011 3:40 AM, "M.B." <> wrote:

Wow! You got clobbered. Glad to hear you are ok. The dak is a pretty safe
vehicle. I'd bet the cab mounts broke. There's almost 8" between the pinch
weld and the frame and the body flares out past that. I would be surprised
if there was much frame bending.

> I must say, you get quicker service in the ER when you show up in an

LOL, for sure. Also if you show up with a screaming child. When my daughter
broke her arm they took us in in under 10 minutes as she was hysterical.

How do you feel today? In my experience, the 2 days following are always the
most painful. Most insurance companies will give you some monies for being
in the car and having to deal with pain and suffering, but will only do so
if you ask. Pretty standard payouts too. Last time I was hit I got a
concussion and was told by the guy's insurance that a concussion pays $1k.
There might be the same thing for the documented injuries you received.

> Drive safe everyone and TURN ON YOUR HEADLIGHTS. :)

Words to live by. Hope you feel better and are able to enjoy your holiday


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