Re: A Dakota died for me tonight

From: TerribleTom (
Date: Sat May 28 2011 - 02:29:42 EDT

On 5/27/2011 3:39 AM, M.B. wrote:
> Friend of mine and I were in his 2000 Dakota headed to the hardware
> store around 9pm tonight. We were making a free left turn across a major
> arterial, and just as we were broadside to oncoming traffic I saw light
> glint off black paint. I started to yell "Look out!" but only got out
> the "Look" part out before some idiot in a late model black Toyota with
> his headlights off (not even parking lights!) slammed into the passenger
> side door of the truck where I was sitting. He hit us so hard we spun in
> a 180 degree arc across traffic and ended up with our REAR bumper
> smashed into the front bumper of a lady who was waiting to make a right
> turn on to the arterial we were crossing, blowing out the rear passenger
> side tire and pulling it half off the rim.

Holy Freaking Hell...

Glad no one was seriously hurt man. I've often wondered what my
reaction would be to a situation like that. I have an extreme low
tolerance for stupidity and my first instinct would be to get out and
pound the moron who hit me, face first into the asphalt and explain to
him the errors of his ways.

I'll ask the Mopar Gods to keep an eye out for yer buddys truck as it
heads off the the bone yard. Damned shame... was a Silver Dak too...
that just hits way too close to home for me.


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