Re: Today is the day the Dakota dies

From: rll (
Date: Wed Aug 24 2011 - 03:06:21 EDT

Dakota and Durango actually died when they went to full-sized vehicles.

My wife's new car would have been a 2007 Durango but she did not want
the Greyhound bus sized vehicle. We looked at used Durangos but they
cost more than the new 2007 Sorento we ended up buying.

My 92 Dak lasted me from 1993 til 2008...i was able to get a 4x4 hemi 1500
quad cab "Ram" for less than the equivalent Dakota....and i thought the Ram
looked better.

You can't buy a mid sized V-8 anymore (unless Toyota does one) because Mopar
stopped building them several years ago....the name has been on life support
for a few years...that is what is dying....


From: "M.B."<>
Subject: DML: Today is the day the Dakota dies

RIP, Dodge Dakota, 1987-2011. It's the first of 3, the Ranger ends
production in December, and the Colorado/Canyon is dead next year.
Guess no one wants mid-sized trucks anymore.

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