More crash pics

From: M.B. (
Date: Sat Aug 27 2011 - 23:20:49 EDT

As some of you might recall, I was in an accident in my friend's '00
Dakota CC 4x4 back in May. I recently got a hold of some additional
pics, so you all can see what it looks like when you get t-boned by a
car doing 45+mph with no headlights on in the middle of the night who
has no chance to even touch the brakes before impact.

Note the damaged BMW SUV behind the truck, that's the vehicle the Dakota
hit when it was spun 180 degrees across 2 lanes of traffic, with the
rear bumper whacking into the BMW that was trying to make a right turn
onto the road we were on. The spin was violent enough to either blow
the rear tire or pop the bead off the rim and to knock the tailgate off
it's hinges... still amazed I'm alive an uninjured other than some
contusions and some continuing back and neck problems...


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