Michael Maskalans <dml@tepidcola.com> wrote:
> On 3-Oct, 2011, at 13:21 , jon@dakota-truck.net wrote:
>> Tell me about it... I haven't even gotten around to starting my
>> *spring* projects yet, let alone summer or fall! :-P I feel like my
>> life's "fast forward" button is stuck down.
> Yeah, that…
> I have no idea if I have a weekend free but who'd be interested in a Daktoberfest something?
> 22-23 or 29-30 are free for me, I think.
> If not a trail day at Jon's maybe a gathering somewhere else in the region…
Just wanted to chime in - DML HQ is definitely a no-go for
Daktoberfest. I'm open to the idea of meeting up somewhere, though to
be honest, the way my schedule looks, the odds that I will be able to
attend are pretty low. If there's a get-together somewhere, I'll have
to play that by ear and make a last minute decision. So, pencil me in
as "interested, but doubtful". :-)
-- -Jon-.- Jon Steiger -- jon@dakota-truck.net or jon@jonsteiger.com -. | '96 Kolb Firefly, '96 Suzuki Intruder, Miscellaneous Mopars | `-------------------------------- http://www.jonsteiger.com --'
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