Re: Engine quit, no fuel

Date: Tue Jan 17 2012 - 09:54:44 EST

Josh Battles <> wrote:

> I didn't read everything but are you getting pressure at the rail? What
> about spark? I had an intermittent sensor connection failure in my bimmer
> that would do weird stuff like what's happening to you. Might be worth
> checking into

Spark is good, there is no pressure at the fuel rail. (Well, if I let
it sit overnight, when I start it, there is plenty of pressure and it
runs great, for about 5 mins, then quits.) This is definitely a
matter of no fuel getting to the rail. I can hear the pump running
though, so either its some sort of strange debris problem, or maybe
the impeller shaft in the pump is busted, or who knows what...


.- Jon Steiger -- or -. | '96 Kolb Firefly, '96 Suzuki Intruder, Miscellaneous Mopars | `-------------------------------- --'

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