You sir, are a genius! LOL!
> From: "" <>
>Sent: Friday, March 16, 2012 12:57 AM
>Subject: Re: DML: Never too ealry to start thinking about it........BBQ
>In article <jjed14$jk1$>, writes:
>> Sorry to not reply sooner, have been insanely busy! Since we have
>> missed 2 years in a row, yes I am definitely working to kick the BBQ
>> back into operation this year!
>> No dates yet, but will probably be later in the year (August?)
>To enhance your experience, please go to the following youtube clip
>and allow the music to play while you read the following... preferably with
>dramatic pauses (where indicated) in William Shatner Style dialogue.
>A man approaches a building... wearing the tattered remains of a light green
>shirt with a faded logo on the front... torn jeans, and muddy boots.
>Lines crease across his brow as he struggles with effort to close the distance
>before the rapidly setting sun finally slips below the horizon...
>As the wind picks up, he stops mere feet away from his goal and reflects upon
>the sight before him... in one hand he holds a wrench... the other... a half
>eaten cheese danish... triumphant music is blowing in the wind...
>He stands, staring... eyes unwavering in their gaze... a thin smile forms on
>his face, now wearing the lines of a man slightly older than he remembered
>himself to be... in that gaze, he is remembering his youth, long days... longer
>nights... now just a memory in his past... But something changed...
>Something was called to him from a distant place... he felt the pull one night,
>some night... what night, he does not remember... Unceasing pull - tidal and
>strong - behind that door he knew what he must do to return... or die trying.
>As the last lacy threads of sunlight slip beyond the grasp of the sky... he
>opens the door before him addresses his lifeless, entombed, audience member...
>Uttering words to an entity he has not laid eyes on in an untold number of
>"I am the DBDoMPfIWUMOT... and I will breath fire into your heart once more"
>... the door closes on the sound of maniacal laughter...
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