92 was first Magnum year.
Bill White
Sent from my Verizon Wireless Samsung Droid
"Azie L. Magnusson" <maggie11@mchsi.com> wrote:
>I'm still looking for a 4X4 frame & driveline in the local
>salvage yards & need to know if the V6's & V8's from the
>1st Magnum's thru '96 use the same drive line(transfer
>case & front differential)..
>What was the year for the 1st Magnum's?? I'm thinking '91..
>I have an '89 2wd that is pre magnum & a '95 that is Magnum.
>Wouldn't it be great if we took the
>$360,000,000,000 (that's billion)
>we spend on illegals every year,
>and spend it on our troops!!!
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