Re: 2000 Dakota Infinity Sound system

From: Phillip Batson (
Date: Fri Apr 20 2012 - 16:18:17 EDT

Cool! At least I have an idea the dimensions that will fit that spot now.

I think I remember that infinity amp being 100watt, which is probably 25x4. I don't remember what the specs were on the speakers I replaced years ago. So, not sure if 4ohm or 8ohm, but am assuming 4ohm. 

I think, at this point, that I'll leave the amp alone for the existing system and just get another amp to run the subs. There are 2 subs @ 10", rated at 450w RMS. Although, I'm not sure if that is per speaker or as a set. (Will find out when I get install manual with it.) 5 channel amps are pretty expensive, especially if I try to get something that can put out anywhere near what the subs can take. So I think I'll go the mono amp route for the sub for now. Going to have to figure out where I can bring the wire from the battery through the firewall.

----- Original Message -----
> From: Ned Buckmaster <>
> To:
> Cc:
> Sent: Friday, April 20, 2012 4:45 AM
> Subject: DML: 2000 Dakota Infinity Sound system
> I replaced mine about 5 years ago with a Sony XM-4S amp and it fit in the
> same spot.  I ran RCA cables from the Pioneer head unit, and set the rear
> speakers on low pass. I found a set of Kicker mid subs, and replaced the
> rear speakers in the side panels of my extended cab. Never needed a separate
> sub after that. Unfortunately, Kicker stopped making the 6 1/2 mid-sub, so
> if these ever go out, I'll have to find something new.
> I used the power lead for the original amp. At first I worried about
> overheating, but I've never had a problem....
> Ned

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