& >Thought you would like to know that pre 1991
& >dakota five lug wheel spacing is the same as many
& >other chrysler corp. cars. Examples are dodge's
& >daytona, stealth, shadow, ect.
& Just a word of caution about using wheels off a FWD car. There may be an issue& of wheel offset that could cause excessive loading on wheel and axle bearings.&
& If difference in offset ((Rim Width/2) - (Wheel Mounting surface to back edge of
& Rim)) between stock rim and desired rim is minimal (I would feel comforable with
& .250") then go for it. More than that and you should weight the possiblity of
& early replacement of bearings into your decision.
Offset should always be considered. The Dakota uses a unusually large
offset for a pickup truck (I think the Center Line wheels listed in the
Mopar Performance catalog for the Dakota are 7.5" wide with a 5.5"
offset). Most FWD cars also use a very large offset, so it might work.
Frank Ball 1UR-M frankb@sr.hp.com (707) 794-4168 work
Hewlett Packard (707) 794-4848 fax (707) 538-3693 home
1212 Valley House Drive Dodge Dakota Yamaha IT175 XT350 YZF600 Seca750
Rohnert Park CA 94928-4999 KC6WUG, AMA, DoD #7566, NMLRA, I'm the NRA.
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